- Headline
- Sub-Headline
- Asks This Power From Cheering Deputies In Reichstag Today and Relegates Monarchy to Background.
- Publication Date
- Thursday, March 23, 1933
- Historical Event
Reichstag Fire Plunges Germany into Virtual Martial Law
This database includes 486 articles about this event - Article Type
- Newspaper
- Page Section and Number
- 1
- Author/Byline
- AP
- History Unfolded Contributor
- Kate M.
- Location of Research
- Virginia Chronicle: Library of Virginia (https://virginiachronicle.com/)
Learn More about this Historical Event: Reichstag Fire Plunges Germany into Virtual Martial Law
- The Reichstag Fire (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- Reichstag Fire Decree (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- Arrests Without Warrant or Judicial Review (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- The Enabling Act (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- Law for the Imposition and Implementation of the Death Penalty (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- Law Against the Founding of New Political Parties (Holocaust Encyclopedia)