
Reichstag Fire Seen Signal For Red Revolution

Drive to Crush Communism Continues Unabated in Germany
Publication Date
Thursday, March 2, 1933
Historical Event
Reichstag Fire Plunges Germany into Virtual Martial Law
This database includes 486 articles about this event
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News Article
(The) Wilmington Morning News
Wilmington, Delaware
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John A. Bouman (AP Staff Writer)
Article Text
BERLIN March 1 (AP)—Herman[sic] Goering, minister without portfolio in the Hitler Government, declared in a speech tonight that the incendiary fire at the Reichstag building Monday night was meant to inaugurate a series of violent acts culminating in a Communist revolution.

For this reason, he asserted, the government was justified in promulgating its drastic decrees of the last two days, which have greatly increased penalties for treason and have placed Germany under virtual marital law.

The Communists, the cabinet minister said, have spread handbills calling for the formation of groups for so-called self-protection but really intended to provoke civil war.

Communist material which has been seized, he continued, disclosed forged orders to National socialist storm troopers to be in readiness after the election next Sunday night to seize Berlin by force. Captain Goering interpreted this as an obviously intended threat to terrorize the population. He declared that the lives of Communists and Socialists were not endangered so long as they kept strictly within the law.

Hitler To Aid Workman
Chancellor Hitler, addressing a delegation of Nazi workers, promised to ameliorate the lot of the German workman so that Communist arguments no longer would draw him. The Chancellor said his purpose was to mortise the pillar of labor into the structure of the State in such a way that labor would not be a separate element in the future Germany[sic]

Referring to the economic situation, the chancellor told the delegation that Germany's system had been

(Continued On Page Eleven)
History Unfolded Contributor
Katherine V.
Location of Research
Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)

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