- Headline
'Un-German' Books Seized by Nazis
- Publication Date
- Saturday, May 6, 1933
- Historical Event
German Students, Nazis Stage Nationwide Book Burnings
This database includes 930 articles about this event - Article Type
- Newspaper
- Page Section and Number
- 4
- Author/Byline
- AP
- Article Text
- BERLIN, May 6 (AP) — Five gangs of nazi students descended upon the library stations of the city Saturday and seized "un-German" books for the nazi bonfire in Opera House square May 10.
The special target for their activities was Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sex Science, whose priceless collection of medical books, illustrations and brochures was thrown on motor trucks and carted away.
While the students announced that they would not invade private homes, they again appealed to the whole population to surrender "un-German" works for the bonfire. - History Unfolded Contributor
- Carlos G.
- Location of Research
- Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)
Learn More about this Historical Event: German Students, Nazis Stage Nationwide Book Burnings
- Book Burning (Encyclopedia Article)
- Immediate American Responses to Nazi Book Burnings (Encyclopedia Article)
- Culture in the Third Reich: Overview (Encyclopedia Article)
- Book Burning (Timeline)
Birchall, Frederick T. “Burning of the Books, May 10, 1933.” In National Socialist Germany: Twelve Years that Shook the World, edited by Louis L. Snyder, 101–104. Malabor, FL: Krieger, 1984.
Stern, Guy. “The Burning of the Books in Nazi Germany, 1933: The American Response.” (external link) Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual 2, (1985): 95–114.
Stern, Guy. Nazi Book Burning and the American Response: Distinguished Lecture. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University, 1991.
United States Holocaust Memorial Council. Nazi Book Burnings and the American Response. Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 1988.
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