
Anti-Jewish Terrorism Sweeps Germany

National Day Of Vengeance Proclaimed
Publication Date
Thursday, November 10, 1938
Historical Event
Anti-Jewish Riots Convulse German Reich (Kristallnacht)
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Early Acts of Persecution
Article Type
News Article
The Capital Journal
Salem, Oregon
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Article Text
Berlin, Nov. 10 (AP)—Nazi Germany today indulged in its greatest wave of anti-Jewish violence since Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933.

As a national day of vengeance for the assassination of a German diplomat by a Polish Jew in Paris wore on reports from every section of the country told of the burning and dynamiting of synagogues and demolition and looting of Jewish shops.

The reports indicated the campaign was conducted with a thoroughness and precision that left little to chance.

Goebbels Calls Halt
Only after more than 12 hours of nation-wide violence did propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels call a halt, in a brief appeal to the people to desist from further demonstrations.

But his appeal concluded with what responsible Jews feared might be a threat of a general order for all Jews to leave the country.

Late in the afternoon Goebbels' appeal had had no apparent effect in the west end of Berlin.

Wrecking gangs systematically toured that section's main thoroughfare, Kurfuerstandamm, pulling down hurriedly constructed protections in front of show windows and raiding Jewish-owned shops and wrecking everything.

Soon after 7 p. m. Goebbels' appeal was repeated by radio. Police quickly appeared on Koenigstrasse, where Israel's department store and other Jewish shops are located. They arrested looters and cleared the streets.

"The justifiable and understandable indignation of the German people over the cowardly Jewish murder of a German diplomat in Paris has resulted during the past night in extensive demonstrations," said Goebbels.

He referred to the killing of Ernst von Rath, secretary of the
(Concluded on Page 3, Column 5)
History Unfolded Contributor
Randall S.
Location of Research
Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)

Learn More about this Historical Event: Anti-Jewish Riots Convulse German Reich (Kristallnacht)


Gilbert, Martin. Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction. New York: HarperCollins, 2006.

Pehle, Walter H., ed. November 1938: From "Reichskristallnacht" to Genocide. New York: Berg, 1991.

Read, Anthony. Kristallnacht: The Nazi Night of Terror. New York: Times Books, 1989.

Schwab, Gerald. The Day the Holocaust Began: The Odyssey of Herschel Grynszpan. New York: Praeger, 1990.

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