
Hitler Deporting Polish Jews by Thousands To Foil New Warsaw Law

Nazis Send Them Back To Forestall Poland's Plans to End Citizenship of Non-Residents
Publication Date
Friday, October 28, 1938
Historical Event
Anti-Jewish Riots Convulse German Reich (Kristallnacht)
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Early Acts of Persecution
Article Type
News Article
(The Wilmington) Evening Journal-Every Evening/(The Wilmington) Journal-Every Evening
Wilmington, Delaware
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Article Text
BERLIN, Oct. 23.—Authoritative informants said today that the Nazi authorities already had sent several thousand Polish Jews living in Germany back into Poland following a nationwide roundup.

In Berlin alone several hundred Polish Jews were routed from their beds in early morning raids semi-officially explained as intended to forestall application of a new Polish law that might deprive thousands of Jews in Germany of Polish citizenship.

The German government estimated that 150,000 residents of Germany are Polish citizens. According to a Polish law coming into effect Oct. 30, all these by that date must have their passports revalidated by Polish consulates.

Jewish circles estimated that the law applied to between 4,000 and 6,000 Jews in Germany.

Failure to obtain such revalidation will mean that the passport holder never again can enter Poland.

Semi-official German sources said it was feared that those who did not receive revalidation might become public charges. After midnight tomorrow they could not be sent back to Poland.

Failure to reach an agreement with Poland until now, these sources said, "compelled German authorities to take measures for reducing the number of those who, in all likelihood, will not receive the revalidation stamp."

Germany gave Jews first attention
(Please Turn to Page 4, Column 2).
History Unfolded Contributor
Patricia P.
Location of Research
Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)

Learn More about this Historical Event: Anti-Jewish Riots Convulse German Reich (Kristallnacht)


Gilbert, Martin. Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction. New York: HarperCollins, 2006.

Pehle, Walter H., ed. November 1938: From "Reichskristallnacht" to Genocide. New York: Berg, 1991.

Read, Anthony. Kristallnacht: The Nazi Night of Terror. New York: Times Books, 1989.

Schwab, Gerald. The Day the Holocaust Began: The Odyssey of Herschel Grynszpan. New York: Praeger, 1990.

All articles about this event