

German Ghettos Planned
Publication Date
Wednesday, November 23, 1938
Historical Event
Anti-Jewish Riots Convulse German Reich (Kristallnacht)
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Early Acts of Persecution
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News Article
Arizona Republic
Phoenix, Arizona
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(Additional Stories, Page 4)

BERLIN, Nov. 22—(UP)—Das Schwarz Korps, organ of the elite Nazi Stormtroops, tonight predicted the "actually fatal extermination" of Jews who persist in remaining in Germany and called upon the United States and Great Britain to save them from destruction.

The stormtroop organ, explaining that Jews must be driven into virtual ghettos "where they will have the least possible contact with Germans," said:

"When this stage is reached we would be faced with the hard necessity of exterminating the Jewish underworld by methods which we, in our orderly state, always use in dealing with criminals, namely fire and sword."

Das Schwarz Korps urged the democracies to make a positive contribution to the solution of the fate of Germany's 700,000 Jews.

"Only the creation of a Jew state outside Germany can save the German Jews from the destruction otherwise threatening them " it said.

"The United States and the British empire are large enough to give room somewhere to the 20,000,000 Jews said to exist."

The article appeared as Paul Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister, called Nazi party leaders into a secret session at the Kroll Opera House and laid down a program of intensified anti-Semitism.

Information trickling from the supposedly-secret gathering indicated measures for mobilizing nation-wide resentment against Jewish sympathies in the United States and Britain.

U. S. Note Delivered
It was revealed, simultaneously, that the United States had delivered a new note to the German government asking assurances that the new decrees driving Jews from business would not be applied to American citizens.

Das Schwarz Korps, angrily berating the democracies, said that "Jews must be driven from our houses and residential districts and settled in separate status in blocks where, among themselves, they will have the least possible contact with Germans."

Jews "Must Wear Emblem"
The Jews must wear a "special emblem," Das Schwarz Korps said, and be deprived of the right to own houses or real estate.

It was predicted that the Jews, after being thus segregated, would lose all profitable occupations and "keeping their hereditary instincts, become criminals."

"When this stage is reached we would be faced with the hard necessity of exterminating the Jewish underworld by methods which we, in our orderly state, always use in dealing with criminals, namely, fire and sword. The result would actually be fatal to the Jewry of Germany."

Goebbels Backs Plan
The stormtroop organ said foreign indignation against the treatment of the Jews "weighs no more than a cardboard sword."

Goebbels, addressing 2,000 Nazi party leaders and propagandists at the Kroll Opera House, said.

"The behavior of Jewry in Germany forces us to adopt a radical and swift solution. We shall not relent!"

Goebbels referred to the proposal put forward by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in the house of commons for settling thousands of German Jews in the former German colony of Tanganyika. The proposal brought bitter retorts from the Nazi press today.

The Anglo-American plan to resettle the Jews in what was German East Africa before Britain took it from Germany after the World War was described as an insult, because the Nazis claim that the colony is "legally and morally" theirs.

Hitler, in his mountain retreat at Berchtesgaden, was said to be angered by Chamberlain's statements regarding Tanganyika and the unanimously-adopted motion in the house of commons condemning the "deplorable treatment" of German Jews..
History Unfolded Contributor
Carlos G.
Location of Research
Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)

Learn More about this Historical Event: Anti-Jewish Riots Convulse German Reich (Kristallnacht)


Gilbert, Martin. Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction. New York: HarperCollins, 2006.

Pehle, Walter H., ed. November 1938: From "Reichskristallnacht" to Genocide. New York: Berg, 1991.

Read, Anthony. Kristallnacht: The Nazi Night of Terror. New York: Times Books, 1989.

Schwab, Gerald. The Day the Holocaust Began: The Odyssey of Herschel Grynszpan. New York: Praeger, 1990.

All articles about this event