
Smith, Dewey Attack Nazis

District Attorney Appeals to World Opinion to “Rebuke Dictatorship Gone Mad”
Publication Date
Saturday, November 12, 1938
Historical Event
Anti-Jewish Riots Convulse German Reich (Kristallnacht)
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Early Acts of Persecution
Article Type
News Article
Green Bay Press-Gazette
Green Bay, Wisconsin
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Article Text
NEW YORK—(AP)—The new outbreak of anti-semitism in Germany brought strong protests today from former Gov. Alfred E. Smith and District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey—and anonymous threats of bombing to German consulates here and at Boston. Dewey and Smith appeared together on a radio broadcast last night sponsored by the non-sectarian Anti-Nazi league.

"Dictatorship Gone Mad"
Declaring he wanted to "appeal to world opinion to rebuke a dictatorship gone mad," Dewey said:

"We stand appalled by the sight of what happened in Nazi Germany."

Dewey criticized the violence as "an organized plot to crush the Jewish people," and added, "no amount of lame explanation by the German minister of propaganda can make the picture any different."

Smith said the German people had proved themselves incapable of living under a democratic form of government.

"Hitler's challenge is not alone to the Jewish people but to the Catholics, the Protestants and everyone else, and it strikes at the very foundation on which we have erected America."

Guard Consul's House
Police placed a 24-hour guard over the home of German Consul General Hans Borchers after he reported anonymous telephone threats that the consulate office would be blown up.

A spokesman for the consulate said, however, such threats had been frequent in recent months and there was "nothing to be alarmed over."

A guard also was placed over the German consulate in Boston. Acting Consul Kurt Bohme said he had received two warnings by telephone that the Building would be blown up today.
History Unfolded Contributor
John S.
Location of Research
Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)

Learn More about this Historical Event: Anti-Jewish Riots Convulse German Reich (Kristallnacht)


Gilbert, Martin. Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction. New York: HarperCollins, 2006.

Pehle, Walter H., ed. November 1938: From "Reichskristallnacht" to Genocide. New York: Berg, 1991.

Read, Anthony. Kristallnacht: The Nazi Night of Terror. New York: Times Books, 1989.

Schwab, Gerald. The Day the Holocaust Began: The Odyssey of Herschel Grynszpan. New York: Praeger, 1990.

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