- Headline
Gotham Girds For Violence At Nazi Meet
- Sub-Headline
- Police Mobilized To Prevent Rioting as Bund Observes Washington's Birthday
- Publication Date
- Monday, February 20, 1939
- Historical Event
American Nazis Rally in New York City
This database includes 1,208 articles about this event - Article Type
- Newspaper
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- 10
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- NEW YORK Feb 20 — Police ordered elaborate precautions today to prevent rioting at tonight's "Americanization" rally of the pro-Nazi German-American Bund in Madison Square Garden.
Policemen assigned to the meeting were increased by 350 to 1300, Police Commissioner Lewis J. Valentine announced that he would command personally and Acting Mayor Newbold Morris warned that the bund "will have to do its' 'bunding' inside" the Garden.
It was one of the largest police details ever assigned to a public meeting here. It was increased after several anti-Nazi organizations protested against the meeting. The Trotskyist Communist "Socialist Workers Party" issued a circular urging its members to gather in front of Madison Square Garden Monday by the thousands!
Watch For Bombs
A guard of 15 patrolmen and a sergeant remained at the Garden during the night because of a report that three bombs would be planted in the building and exploded during the meeting. Detectives of the bomb squad and the Fire Department's prevention bureau searched for bombs.
Acting Mayor Morris said that the bund would not be permitted to have loud speakers outside the garden. He warned against sidewalk demonstrations and indicated that police would prevent uniformed bund members parading to or from the garden. Bund officials said 3000 members in uniforms would be in the garden to act as ushers and maintain peace.
Mr. Morris criticized the wearing of uniforms, pointing out that the Federal Foreign Relations Act made the wearing of the uniform of a foreign government unlawful.
Backs Free Speech
"Why is it necessary for them to disport the storm trooper uniform, the symbol of a doctrine which stirs bitter resentment in the hearts of free people throughout the world?" he asked. "We do not want a hostile Sudeten garrison within our gates."
He said that in the absence of Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia who is in Arkansas, he would follow his decision that the meeting would be permitted so long as it was orderly. Mr. La Guardia had said that "it would be a strange kind of free speech which permits free speech only for those we agree with. That's the kind of free speech they have in Fascist countries—but it isn't free speech."
The bund rally will celebrate Washington's Birthday, Fritz Kuhn, national leader of the bund, and a man whom he identified only as "a prominent Catholic," will be the chief speakers. Kuhn indicated that Jews would be castigated. - History Unfolded Contributor
- Randall S.
- Location of Research
- Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)
Learn More about this Historical Event: American Nazis Rally in New York City
- German American Bund (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- Nazis in America (Americans and the Holocaust online exhibition)
- A Night at the Garden (Marshall Curry Productions, LLC.)
- When Nazis Took Manhattan (National Public Radio)
Bernstein, Arnie. Swastika Nation: Fritz Kuhn and the Rise and Fall of the German-American Bund. New York: St. Martin's Press,, 2013.
Churchwell, Sarah. Behold, America.: A History of America First and the American Dream. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018.
Hart, Bradley W. Hitler’s American Friends. New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2018.
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