- Headline
Is this Lindbergh's Country?
- Publication Date
- Tuesday, September 16, 1941
- Historical Event
Charles Lindbergh Makes ‘Un-American’ Speech
This database includes 1,447 articles about this event - Article Type
- Newspaper
- Page Section and Number
- 18
- Author/Byline
- --
- History Unfolded Contributor
- Sophia K.
- Location of Research
- Find Newspaper Archive (https://newspaperarchive.com/)
Learn More about this Historical Event: Charles Lindbergh Makes ‘Un-American’ Speech
- The United States and the Holocaust (Encyclopedia article)
- Transcript of Lindbergh’s September 11, 1941, speech in Des Moines, Iowa (PBS, American Experience)
- Fallen Hero: Charles Lindbergh in the 1940s (PBS, American Experience)
- Charles Lindbergh's - September 11, 1941 Speech in Des Moines, Iowa (partial audio; Spirit of St. Louis 2 Project)