Publication Date
Sunday, September 7, 1941
Article Text
Berlin, Sept. 6 (U.P.)—All Jews over 6 were ordered by the secret police Saturday to wear a large yellow "star of David'' with a black superscription, "Jew."
The order, issued by Secret Police Chief Reinhard Heydrick, said Jews would not be permitted, without police permission, to leave the area in which they reside.
Jews must not wear any orders or decorations, Heydrick said.
The order becomes effective September 15. As published in the official legal gazette, it covers the entire Reich as well as the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
It was regarded here as the sharpest official measure against Jews since those introduced after the anti-Semitic outbreaks of November 9, 1938.
"Jews who have completed their 6th year are forbidden to show themselves in public without the Jewish star," the order said.
"The star consists of a six-pointed star, outlined in black on yellow cloth the size of the palm of one's hand, with a black superscription, 'Jew.'
"It must be worn visibly and firmly sewed to the left breast of clothing."
The order provided a fine of 150 marks (about $60) or six weeks' imprisonment for violation of the new regulations.
The new rules were similar to restrictions which have been in effect in such cities as Warsaw since the fall of Poland. Jews are confined largely to a ghetto in Warsaw and must wear prominent identification marks.
Within the last week authorities have banned exit permission from Germany for Jews because of a shortage of labor caused by military operations requiring great numbers of German men at the front.
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