
Accuse Germans Of Mass Killings

Reds Charge 95,567 Persons Slain by Nazis in 13 Occupied Cities
Publication Date
Wednesday, January 7, 1942
Historical Event
Germans Kill Thousands of Jews in Mass Shooting Outside Kiev
This database includes 222 articles about this event
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Deportation and Mass Murder
Article Type
News Article
The Battle Creek Enquirer and News/The Battle Creek Enquirer and-The Evening News
Battle Creek, Michigan
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Article Text
BERLIN — (Official Broadcast Recorded by AP) — The German high command acknowledged today that the Russians had succeeded in landing troops at Yevpatoriya on the west coast of the Crimea 40 miles above besieged Sevastopol, but said they had been wiped out in house-to-house fighting. — MOSCOW — (AP) — German troops were formally charged by Soviet Russia today with massacreing[sic] 95,567 persons in 13 cities and countless hundreds elsewhere in an occupation marked by "unheard of pillages, general devastation, abominable violence'' Foreign Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov said in a detailed note handed yesterday to all envoys accredited to Moscow that "German authorities legalized marauding in their army and encouraged these pillages and violence.'' The text of the note was made public today by Tass. Slaying of civilians was said to have been accomplished by explosives, suffocation, knifing or hanging, as well as shooting. These specific figures were presented on the number slain in the following towns: Kiev, 52,000; Dnieperopetrovsk, 10,500; Kaments Podolsk, 8,300; Odessa, 8,000; Kerch, 7,000; Lwow (Poland) 6,000; Mariupol, 3,000; Rostov, 308; Ershovo, 100; Gerion, (Please Turn to Page 7, Column 2)
History Unfolded Contributor
Margaret L.
Location of Research
Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)

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