
Claim Nazi Doctors Kill Jews at Rate Of 100 Men an Hour

Publication Date
Wednesday, November 25, 1942
Historical Event
Nazi Plan to Kill All Jews Confirmed
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Deportation and Mass Murder
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News Article
The Amarillo Globe/The Amarillo Globe-Times
Amarillo, Texas
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WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. (AP)—Details of a campaign which Dr. Stephen S. Wise said was planned to exterminate all Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe by the end of the year are to be laid before a committee of leading Jewish organizations today in New York.

The story—which Dr. Wise said was confirmed by the state department and a personal representative of President Roosevelt—deals with how more than 2,000,000 Jews already had been slaughtered in accordance with a race extinction order by Adolf Hitler.

Before leaving for New York to address the committee this afternoon, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, chairman of the World Jewish Congress and president of the American Jewish Congress, said he carried official documentary proof that "Hitler has ordered the extermination of all Jews in Nazi-ruled Europe in 1942."

After a consultation with state department officials, he announced they had termed authentic certain sources which revealed that approximately half of the estimated 4,000,000 Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe already had been killed and that Hitler was wrathful at "failure to complete the extermination immediately."

To speed the slaughter of the other half during the remaining month before the edict's deadline, Dr. Wise said the Nazis were moving some four-fifths of the Jews in Hitler-ruled European countries to Poland. There, he said Nazi doctors were killing them at the rate "more than 100 men an hour, per doctor," by injecting air bubbles into their veins—"the simplest and cheapest method" they could find.
History Unfolded Contributor
Carlos G.
Location of Research
Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)

Learn More about this Historical Event: Nazi Plan to Kill All Jews Confirmed


Feingold, Henry L., Bearing Witness: How America and Its Jews Responded to the Holocaust. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995.

Gurock, Jeffrey S., ed. America, American Jews, and the Holocaust. New York: Routledge, 1998.

Laqueur, Walter. The Terrible Secret: Suppression of the Truth About Hitler’s “Final Solution.” New York: H. Holt, 1998.

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