
Eviction Of Japanese Aliens Is Begun

Action Against Enemy Aliens To Check Possible Fifth Column Activities
Publication Date
Monday, February 2, 1942
Historical Event
FDR Authorizes Incarceration of Japanese Americans
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Racism and Antisemitism in America
Article Type
News Article
Visalia Times-Delta
Visalia, California
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SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2. (IP)—The FBI emoved[sic] Japanese aliens from one vital defense sector in California today as federal and local authorities consolidated moves to curtail possible fifth column actiman and Italian aliens in the Calivities in the state.

The drive against Japanese, Gerfornia theater of operation, started by the department of justice last week, was accelerated in the following moves and meetings:

1—The FBI without warning started removing alien Japanese fishermen from Terminal Island, Los Angeles harbor, where there is a large Japanese fishing colony. One agent said "nearly all" of the 523 alien men on the island were being removed. Women and children were not affected. The seized men were taken to Los Angeles Immigration headquarters.

2—Lieut. Gen. John L. DeWitt, commander of the western defense command, Governor Culbert Olson, and Thomas C. Clark, co-ordinator of alien control for the department of justice, met in Sacramento to discuss the alien situation "quickly and thoroughly."

3—Attorney General Earl Warren brought law enforcement officers of California counties together to discuss more rigid enforcement of state laws forbidding Japanese aliens to own land and requiring secret societies to register with the state. Warren said although it was known many Japanese secret societies existed, none was registered.

4—Attorney General Francis Biddle In Washington announced the boundaries of 15 additional California areas to which German, Japanese and Italian aliens are forbidden access. Biddle had designated 71 similar zones last week.

(Continued on Page 2)
History Unfolded Contributor
Ashley O.
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Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)