
Fiendish Hitler Plot To Slay All Jews Told

Publication Date
Wednesday, November 25, 1942
Historical Event
Nazi Plan to Kill All Jews Confirmed
This database includes 932 articles about this event
Deportation and Mass Murder
Article Type
News Article
Arizona Republic
Phoenix, Arizona
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Article Text
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24—(AP)—Dr. Stephens S. Wise, chairman of the World Jewish Congress, said tonight that he had learned through sources confirmed by the state department that approximately half the estimated 4,000,000 Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe had been slain in an "extermination campaign."

Dr. Wise, who also is president of the American Jewish Congress and chairman of a committee composed of representatives of leading Jewish organizations in America, said these sources also disclosed :

1.That Hitler has ordered the extermination of all Jews in Nazi- ruled Europe in 1942.

2. That the Jewish population of Warsaw, Poland already has been reduced from 500,000 to about 100,000 Jews.

Extent Is Large
3. That when chief Nazis speak of "exterminating" Jews in Poland, they speak of "four fifths of the Jewish population in Hitler-ruled Europe," since that percentage either now is in Poland or en route there under a Nazi grouping plan.

4. That Nazis have established a price of 50 reichsmarks for each corpse—mostly Jewish, Dr. Wise indicated—and are reclaiming bodies of slain civilians to be "processed into such war-vital commodities as soap fats and fertilizer."

"He (Hitler) is even exhuming the dead for the value of the corpses," Dr. Wise said during a press conference shortly after he had conferred with state department officials.

Sources Confirmed
He stressed the fact that most of his information came from various sources other than the state department, but said those sources had been confirmed as authentic by the department.

"Various methods are being used in the campaign," he said, "and the Nazi doctors have found that one of the simplest and cheapest methods is to inject air bubbles into the veins of the victim.

"One-Nazi physician can handle more than 100 men an hour by this method,", he added.

"Not only has Hitler ordered the extermination of all Jews in Nazi-ruled Europe in 1942, but he recently expressed his wrath at the Nazis' failure to complete the extermination immediately," Dr. Wise said.
History Unfolded Contributor
Lael F.
Location of Research
Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)

Learn More about this Historical Event: Nazi Plan to Kill All Jews Confirmed


Feingold, Henry L., Bearing Witness: How America and Its Jews Responded to the Holocaust. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995.

Gurock, Jeffrey S., ed. America, American Jews, and the Holocaust. New York: Routledge, 1998.

Laqueur, Walter. The Terrible Secret: Suppression of the Truth About Hitler’s “Final Solution.” New York: H. Holt, 1998.

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