- Headline
Unexampled Barbarity
- Publication Date
- Wednesday, December 23, 1942
- Historical Event
Allies Denounce Nazi Plan to “Exterminate” the Jews
This database includes 513 articles about this event - Tags
- Article Type
- Newspaper
- Page Section and Number
- 6
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- --
- Article Text
- However blistering the words employed, the terms used in the declaration denouncing the barbarities practiced on Europe's Jews made by the United States and ten other governments of the United Nations are inadequate to depict the magnitude of the crimes branded. The world has long known of the cold cruelty with which in the rich[sic] and nazi-controlled territory Jews have been deprived of every elementary human right. But this was only a start. Nazi malignity aims at nothing less than extermination of the race. The able-bodied have been slowly worked to death in labor camps; exposure and privations have killed off the infirm. Mass massacres have been used to destroy those escaping the slower processes of extinction. The roll of victims, men, women and children, runs into the hundreds of thousands. It would seem incredible that such cruelties could occur in this day and age if it were not for the indisputable evidence which has been furnished to the anti-axis governments. By some inversion of reason the perpetrators have imagined that the very number of their crimes would baffle future attempts to avenge them. In making their declaration on the subject the United Nations have aimed at more than mere registration of their detestation of these offenses against common humanity. They have recorded their solemn resolution to see that those responsible shall not escape retribution.
- History Unfolded Contributor
- Caitlin D.
- Location of Research
- Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)
Learn More about this Historical Event: Allies Denounce Nazi Plan to “Exterminate” the Jews
- The United States and the Holocaust (Encyclopedia Article)
- United States Policy and Its Impact on European Jews (Encyclopedia Article)
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Encyclopedia Article)
- President Roosevelt and the Early News of the Holocaust (Scholarly Presentation, Dr. Richard Breitman)
Breitman, Richard, and Alan Kraut. American Refugee Policy and European Jewry, 1933-1945. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.
Breitman, Richard. Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew. New York: Hill and Wang, 1998.
Feingold, Henry L. Bearing Witness: How America and Its Jews Responded to the Holocaust. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995.
Gurock, Jeffrey S., ed. America, American Jews, and the Holocaust. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Hamerow, Theodor. While We Watched: Europe, America, and the Holocaust. New York: Norton, 2008.
Lipstadt, Deborah E. Beyond Belief: The American Press and the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933-1945. New York: Free Press, 1986.
Wyman, David S. The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945. New York: The New Press, 1998.
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