
Danish Patriots Sabotage Nazis

Troop Barracks Blasted As Answer To Order For Jewish Purge
Publication Date
Tuesday, October 5, 1943
Historical Event
Danes Help Jews Escape to Neutral Sweden
This database includes 758 articles about this event
Article Type
News Article
The Birmingham Age-Herald
Birmingham, Alabama
Page Section and Number
Edwin Shanke (AP)
History Unfolded Contributor
Emma H.
Location of Research
Birmingham Public Library and Archives

Learn More about this Historical Event: Danes Help Jews Escape to Neutral Sweden


Goldbeger, Leo, ed. The Rescue of the Danish Jews: Moral Courage Under Stress. New York: New York University Press, 1987.

Haestrup, Jorgen. Secret Alliance: A Study of the Danish Resistance Movement. New York: New York University Press, 1977.

Hong, Nathaniel. Sparks of Resistance: The Illegal Press in German-Occupied Denmark, April 1940–August 1943. Odense: Odense University Press, 1996.

Levine, Ellen. Darkness over Denmark: The Danish Resistance and the Rescue of the Jews. New York: Scholastic, 2001.

Loeffler, Martha, Knud Dyby, and John Mark Nielsen. Boats in the Night: Knud Dyby’s Involvement in the Rescue of the Danish Jews and the Danish Resistance. Blair, NE: Lur Publications, Danish Immigrant Archive, Dana College, 2000.

Yahil, Leni. The Rescue of Danish Jewry. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1969.

All articles about this event
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