- Headline
Reds Charge 195,000 Butchered By Nazis At Kiev
- Publication Date
- Wednesday, March 1, 1944
- Historical Event
Germans Kill Thousands of Jews in Mass Shooting Outside Kiev
This database includes 222 articles about this event - Article Type
- Newspaper
- Location
- Page Section and Number
- 10
- Author/Byline
- --
- Article Text
- Moscow, March 1 — A Russian atrocity commission, in a full-page report published in newspapers Tuesday, charged the Germans had killed 195,000 civilians and Russian war prisoners during the occupation of the Kiev area.
Among the unique methods the Nazis used to kill people, the commission disclosed, was to force groups to climb trees and then make other Russians chop down the tree. During the winter, the Germans poured cold water on civilians during zero weather and then shot them.
Describing the burning of an estimated 100,000 corpses in the famous Baby-Yar atrocity scene, the commission said that or Aug. 18, 1943, some 100 Russian prisoners were forced to dig up the bodies which were placed in "stoves" constructed on platforms made from gravestones.
The bodies were placed in layers on iron grills made of railings from the cemetery fence. Between 2,500 and 3,000 corpses were placed on these huge pyres and then soaked with oil and burned. After the bodies were burned, the remnants of bones were smashed with huge weights. - History Unfolded Contributor
- Margaret L.
- Location of Research
- Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com)
Learn More about this Historical Event: Germans Kill Thousands of Jews in Mass Shooting Outside Kiev
- Mass Shootings of Jews During the Holocaust (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- Mass Shootings at Babyn Yar (Babi Yar) (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- Kamenets-Podolsk (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- Operation “Harvest Festival” (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- Einsatzgruppen: An Overview (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
- “Final Solution”: Overview (Holocaust Encyclopedia)
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