
Roosevelt Begins 4th Term In Short Inaugural Ceremony

Publication Date
Sunday, January 21, 1945
Historical Event
FDR Delivers His Fourth Inaugural Address
This database includes 552 articles about this event
Article Type
News Article
The Daily Herald (Provo, UT)/The Provo Daily Herald/The Provo Evening Herald/The Sunday Herald
Provo, Utah
Page Section and Number
Merriman Smith (UP Staff Correspondent)
History Unfolded Contributor
Alexis C.
Location of Research
Utah Digital Newspapers (https://newspapers.lib.utah.edu/search or https://digitalnewspapers.org/)

Learn More about this Historical Event: FDR Delivers His Fourth Inaugural Address


Breitman, Richard, and Allan J. Lichtman. FDR and the Jews. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013.

Newton, Verne W., ed. FDR and the Holocaust. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996.

Rosen, Robert N. Saving the Jews: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Holocaust. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2006.

All articles about this event
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